Worn region size of shoe outsole impacts human slips: Testing a mechanistic model
Internal Dataset

UID: 101

Author(s): Beschorner, Kurt*+, Sundaram, Vani H., Hemler, Sarah L.+, Chanda, Arnab+, Haight, Joel M.+ * Corresponding Author + University of Pittsburgh Author
This dataset contains slip-test data from 57 adult participants in a study examining the relationship between shoe outsole tread wear and occurrences of slipping. Participants wore their own shoes in a test environment where they encountered an unexpected slip condition, with data recorded by embedded force plates. Measurements include the shoe worn region size, available coefficient of friction (ACOF), slip distance, slip outcome based on slip distance, slip outcome based on peak slip, peak fluid pressure, and whether the shoe was slip-resistant. The data package includes an Excel file of data, a Word document describing the spreadsheet's data structure, and a text README. Full methods and conclusions are available in the associated paper, which includes an open-access manuscript copy.
Subject of Study
Population Age
Subject Sex
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Experiment parameters and slip testing trial data, data structure document, and README
Accession #: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.vmcvdncsk

Access Restrictions
Free to all
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Associated Publications
Data Type
Equipment Used
Bertec 4060A
Portable slip simulator
Software Used
Study Type
Dataset Format(s)
XLS (.xls, .xlsx, .xlm, .xlsm)
Resource Type(s)
Dataset Size
13 KB
Grant Support
Data Catalog Record Updated

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