Docker image with JupyterLab, Python 3, Python 2, and R
Internal Dataset

UID: 28

Author(s): Horn, Charles C.*+ * Corresponding Author + University of Pittsburgh Author
A Docker image with Jupyter Lab, Jupyter Notebook, Python 3, Python 2, R, and many R and Python packages for scientific computing. Docker is a container-based software system that allows easy download and installation of multiple software packages. The software included in this Docker image has wide relevance to various domains within scientific computing but are optimized for neurophysiological research, and can be used to explore the electrophysiological data included in Software: Neurophysiological analytics for all! Free open-source software tools for documenting, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing using electronic notebooks.
Access via Github

Docker file and example Jupyter notebooks.

Access Restrictions
Free to all
Access Instructions
Download Docker image via Github. Download and install the free community version of Docker from official sources.
Data Type
Software Used
Resource Type(s)
Dataset Size
3.07 MB
Grant Support
Data Catalog Record Updated

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