Dexmedetomidine effects on shivering and core temperature in awake normal subjects
Internal Dataset

UID: 3

Author(s): Callaway, Clifton W.*+ * Corresponding Author + University of Pittsburgh Author
Ten normal adult human subjects received a rapid intravenous infusion of two liters of cold (4ºC) isotonic saline on two separate test days, and we measured their core body temperature, shivering, hemodynamics and sedation for two hours. On one test day, fluid infusion was preceded by placebo infusion. On the other test day, fluid infusion was preceded by 1.0 µg/kg bolus of dexmedetomidine over 10 minutes.
Subject of Study
Population Age
Subject Gender
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Includes shivering assessment scales, comfort scales, Richmond agitation scales, physiologic data
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CSV (.csv)
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Grant Support
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