UID: 53
Details for the methodology used and description of uploaded files are provided in the README.txt file. Other files included are a screening form, codebook, and two .csv files of preliminary and final datasets.
Large animal protocols submitted to Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) are required to include searches for alternatives and address the “3Rs":
Locating descriptions of methodology for the refinement concept is challenging since PubMed (and most other databases) do not search full-text.
The objectives of this study were to determine how well the title, abstract, and MeSH terms cover the content of the methods section in in-vivo animal research articles, particularly with respect to procedures, drugs, and animal species used, and to describe how this might impact a search.
The title/abstract, MeSH terms, and methods section of each article were reviewed and details such as: animal species, number of animals, description of housing, description of experimental procedures used, and analgesia/anesthesia were extracted.
README, Raw data, screening form, and codebook Accession #: 10.6084/m9.figshare.7697816
Data extraction and screening tool for systematic and literature reviews.
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