Internal Dataset

UID: 92

Author(s): Ellison, Mitchell A.+, Walker, Jennifer L.+, Ropp, Patrick J.+, Durrant, Jacob D.+, Arndt, Karen M.*+ * Corresponding Author + University of Pittsburgh Author

This Github repository contains a bioinformatics pipeline for identification and characterization of mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. MutantHuntWGS compares data, input in FASTQ format, from a mutant strain to a wild-type strain to identify high confidence sequence variants present only in the mutant.

To enable quick and easy installation and to ensure reproducibility, MutantHuntWGS was incorporated into a Docker container. With a single command, users can download and install the software. A second command runs the analysis. The pipeline allows researchers to leverage WGS for the efficient identification of causal mutations, regardless of bioinformatics experience.

Subject of Study
Access via GitHub

Bioinformatics pipeline including Docker, code, FASTQ files.

Access Restrictions
Free to all
Access Instructions
Follow the instructions in the README on Github to download and run via Docker. Requires Docker installation.
Associated Publications
Data Type
Software Used
BCFtools, Version: 1.10.2-54-g5c73ef6+
SnpEff, Version: 5.0
Resource Type(s)
Grant Support
Central Research Development Funds 2017-2018/University of Pittsburgh
Data Catalog Record Updated

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