UID: 93
This dataset was generated from a survey that assessed participants’ knowledge, perceived risk, perceived seriousness, anxiety, adoption of prevention behaviors and source of information related to COVID-19.
The survey was conducted anonymously among a non-random sample of 464 Connecticut residents in the early stage of social distancing and shutdown from March 23 to March 29, 2020. Participants could choose to use an IP address for the survey and complete it online or faculty or students could administer the survey on the phone or other means of communication and record their answers online via Qualtrics link. The target population of the survey was non-healthcare related participants.
The dataset includes one Excel workbook that contains the variable names, survey questions (including demographics), and survey responses.
Excel workbook that contains the variable names, survey questions, and survey responses Accession #: 10.17632/zjydvt8sk9.1
Web-based survey platform
Software package used for statistical analysis.
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