This data package contains 3401 individual data files for 73 human subjects (28 adults aged 18-27, 35 adolescents aged 13-17, and 35 children aged 8-12) during correct and incorrect performance of an oculomotor task requiring inhibitory control. From the abstract: Documenting the development of the functional anatomy underlying error processing is critically important for understanding age-related...
This data package includes fMRI raw data, anonymized eye movement data, subject information, and fMRI task timing information, along with README files, for a ten-year longitudinal study of the adolescent development of working memory. From the abstract: The authors present results from a longitudinal study conducted over 10 years in a sample of 126 8- to 33-year-olds demonstrating that adolescent...
Data and code are provided for an fMRI study examining brain function among adolescents and young adults during an anti-saccade (deliberately looking away from a target) task. The data package on OpenNeuro includes sex and age information for 28 participants, eye movement data, defaced resting-state anatomy scans, defaced imaging data collected for the task, a README, and a JSON file containing metadata...