Accumulating evidence suggests that physical activity improves explicit memory and executive cognitive functioning at the extreme ends of the lifespan (i.e., in older adults and children). However, it is unknown whether these associations hold for younger adults who are considered to be in their cognitive prime, or for implicit cognitive functions that do not depend on motor sequencing. Here we report...
This data package contains SPSS data and codebooks containing participant demographic information for several personality studies conducted by Paul Pilkonis 1990-2017. Associated studies: Validity in the Diagnosis of Personality Disorders ("Validity") Screening for Personality Disorders ("Screening") Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality ("Interpersonal Functioning") Interpersonal...
This data package contains SPSS data and codebooks for the Adult Attachment Ratings (AAR) / Adult Attachment Prototype Rating (AAPR) assessment used in several personality studies conducted 1990-2017 by Paul Pilkonis. Associated studies: Validity in the Diagnosis of Personality Disorders ("Validity") Screening for Personality Disorders ("Screening") Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality...
This data package contains SPSS data and codebooks for the Multisource Assessment of Personality Pathology (MAPP) assessment used in several personality studies conducted 1990-2017 by Paul Pilkonis. Associated study: Interpersonal Functioning and Emotion in Borderline Personality ("Emotion and Interpersonal Functioning"): Significant Other Data Only Data and codebooks are provided for the...
This data package contains SPSS data and codebooks for the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders (SCID-II) assessment used in several personality studies conducted 1990-2017 by Paul Pilkonis. Associated study: Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality ("Interpersonal Functioning") Data and codebooks are provided for the study listed above, as well...
This data package contains SPSS data and codebooks for the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP) assessment used in several personality studies conducted 1990-2017 by Paul Pilkonis. Associated study: Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality ("Interpersonal Functioning") Data and codebooks are provided for the study listed above, as well as a fuller description...
This data package contains SPSS data and codebooks for the Social Adjustment Scale – Self-Report (SAS-SR) assessment used in several personality studies conducted 1990-2017 by Paul Pilkonis. Associated study: Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality ("Interpersonal Functioning") Data and codebooks are provided for the study listed above, as well as a fuller description of the SAS-SR...
This data package contains SPSS data and codebooks for the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) assessment used in several personality studies conducted 1990-2017 by Paul Pilkonis. Associated studies: Validity in the Diagnosis of Personality Studies ("Validity") Screening for Personality Disorders ("Screening") Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality ("Interpersonal Functioning") Interpersonal...
This data package contains SPSS data and codebooks for the Alternative Aspects (AA) assessment used in several personality studies conducted 1990-2017 by Paul Pilkonis. Associated studies: Validity in the Diagnosis of Personality Studies ("Validity") Screening for Personality Disorders ("Screening") Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality ("Interpersonal Functioning") Interpersonal...
This data package contains SPSS data and codebooks for the Hamilton Rating Scales for Depression assessment used in several personality studies conducted 1990-2017 by Paul Pilkonis. Associated studies: Screening for Personality Disorders ("Screening") Interpersonal Functioning in Borderline Personality ("Interpersonal Functioning") Interpersonal Functioning and Emotion in Borderline Personality...